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We're different! We're all Business!

We want your attention, time, of course some $$$, but not so much that will break the bank.


So, no big fancy buildings or state-of-the-art this and that but what we do have is a whole lot of passion and commitment to sharing what we know and who we know with you.


We were once newbies in the industry making all the wrong choices and our experience is now your gain. We want to lessen your pain and shorten your learning curve. Think Holden Caufield rescuing the kids (Read the book — Catcher in the Rye). But our rescue is from the waters teeming with sharks.


So come get your business on at MBI where we provide real-life knowledge and hands-on training that equips you (yes equip, think shield and sword)
you with the information and training needed to set your creation/story on a
solid foundation.


We want you to imagine and create your production reality based on a sound and solid understanding of the business you are in… Show Business. If you have had enough of the show … now it’s time to get down to business.

So while everyone continues to guess at and seek out the new business models, we know that 2 + 2 is still four and …



A Team of Working Industry Professionals

As MBI’s training and education is career-focused and industry/market-driven, our instructors are industry professionals who are working in their respective areas of specialization.  Meet some of our instructors and special international guest lecturers.


Click the names below to read more!

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