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New Partner Joins Media Business Institute (MBI)

Toronto-based Indie producer and Media Business Institute’s Founder, Patricia Scarlett, is pleased to announce that Diane De La Haye has been appointed Partner at Media Business Institute (MBI). De La Haye will spearhead the company’s re-organizational strategies and will also be responsible for its day-to-day operations.

Diane De La Haye

“We are delighted to have Diane join our company. MBI will greatly benefit from her 25+ years of Operational Management experience and her Executive MBA in Finance. Further, we welcome her no-nonsense, down-to-earth approach to problem-solving,” says Founder, Patricia Scarlett.

MBI is also pleased to welcome Donisha Prendergast and Maurie Alioff to its Advisory Board. Donisha brings a lot of production experience, creativity and energy to the Board as well as a significant network of new and emerging content creators. Maurie is writer and producer who has worked in television and radio, taught screenwriting, and as a career journalist, covered TIFF for 20+ years. He writes for various publications, including POV Magazine.

The Covid-19 Pandemic and its impact on the media industry, in Canada and internationally, compelled MBI’s management team to re-imagine its mission and goals for Fall 2020 and beyond. Further, Scarlett’s ongoing participation in the Banff World Media’s virtual edition, through its Spark Accelerator Program for Women in the Business of Media, has given her a new vision of online opportunities that can and will be implemented at MBI. The downtime created by Covid-19 has allowed MBI’s production arm to develop a robust slate of new TV projects covering a variety of genres – children’s, documentary, features and sitcoms.

De La Haye commented, "I have known Patricia for almost a decade and always marveled at her wealth of knowledge and passion for the Industry. We have collaborated on a few projects in the past but it is my pleasure to now join her as a Partner at MBI, as she continues to envision the impact it can make worldwide. More importantly, Patricia and I are like-minded and get along fabulously and this will undoubtedly translate into the way MBI moves forward."

Fall 2020 will see MBI re-launch its signature workshop, “So, You’ve Made a Film . . . Now What?” and other learning opportunities that are needed for the new Covid-19 era of ongoing change and innovation. MBI looks forward to welcoming industry personnel back to a safe meet and greet during MBI Connexxions Live, a curated networking event. Long-term, MBI intends to create a Caribbean hub for the dissemination of TV/Film Business affairs and Sales/Distribution knowledge, particularly for Creatives of Colour.

In addition to its TV/Film productions, the company has created a series of novels that tell vibrant insider stories which unfold against the backdrop of select television markets and Festivals. The completed first novel, “The Best Market Ever,” is a rare look at the comedy and drama of the television industry from the perspective of a Black-Canadian female Executive. The novel is represented by agent Maurie Alioff.

About Media Business Institute (MBI)

MBI is a Toronto-based training and education company that delivers hands-on training in the business areas of TV/Film and Digital Media. It’s international program, TO MARKET, TO MARKET offers new emerging Content Creators an immersive experience at MIP-TV and MIPCOM, two of the world’s premiere TV markets that take place in Cannes, France every April and October. MBI is founded by Patricia Scarlett and has recently partnered with Weengushk Film Institute (WFI).

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